06 augustus 2020

Webinar series: The future of negotiation


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Webinar series: The future of negotiation

Webinar  06 augustus 2020


Our webinar series explores the future of negotiation - what will it look like, what tools and strategies will you need to succeed, and how can you prepare, now.

The Gap Partnership has developed a series of webinars to deep dive into the future of negotiation. These webinars have one simple goal: to help you and your business understand what you need to do NOW in order to be prepared for what has already begun. 

Negotiation is one of the most crucial skills for successful businesspeople and a vital element for every company. We are convinced that in the future negotiations will become even more important.

But what will negotiations in the future look like? What will change and what will stay the same?

Everybody can see the way that digital transformation touches almost every process within a company. The ultimate goals are clear: either increase sales or lower the costs of the business. So how are negotiations impacted by these rapid developments in technology? How can negotiations play a significant role in dealing with uncertain and unpredictable markets?

Sign up now to attend the first in our webinar series: The Future of Negotiation. 

13:00 CET 

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06 augustus 2020

12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m. CET


Philipp Michel
Philipp Michel
The Gap Partnership
Thomas Strack
Thomas Strack
The Gap Partnership