11 Insights



Staying on top of global negotiation trends and the latest thinking will help drive your own success. Our research reports and articles keep you up to date on what's happening around the world - all delivered with a keen negotiation angle and fresh perspective. 

The inexorable rise of digital has now sky-rocketed to be front and centre of the world's consciousness, powering us through times of social distancing and quarantine.
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We're only human, after all

Katherine Edgecombe

May 2020

The extraordinary time that we are currently living through focuses minds on the fragility of being human. Because what this current crisis is showing us all too clearly is that, as humans, we are vulnerable.
A detailed and practical guide to successfully negotiating that holy grail of corporate agreements: joint business plans. Doing it well means achieving an agreement that is of mutual benefit, has minimized risk, and is appropriately owned and managed by all parties.

Covid recovery: Negotiation agility

The Gap Partnership

September 2020

The second in Graham Botwright's "Covid Recovery" films explores the concept of negotiation agility and how it has fueled an extraordinary commercial success story of 2020.
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Covid recovery: Total value thinking

The Gap Partnership

October 2020

The third in Graham Botwright's "Covid Recovery" films investigates the compelling commercial concept of "total value thinking": what it is, how to cultivate it, and what the results will be if you do.
The fourth in Graham Botwright's "Covid Recovery" films explores the qualities that effective leaders in times of crisis personify, and explains how they can be cultivated.
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Covid recovery: Fast decision making

The Gap Partnership

October 2020

The ability to make fast decisions is an essential trait of effective leaders - even more so in times of crisis where course corrects or new strategies are required at speed. Graham Botwright explains the importance of fast decisions, and what is needed to achieve them.
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Covid recovery: Business sustainability

The Gap Partnership

October 2020

The businesses that are coming out of the crisis truly leading the market are those who have both responded to the short-term challenges and opportunities, and put in place a robust infrastructure to serve the long term, setting up for growth in the upturn that will follow.
With the ever-increasing rise of purpose-driven brands and organizations putting a spotlight on the ethics of business, where does this leave negotiation? Can a laser-like focus on optimizing value coexist with an ethical approach, and if so, how?